
Problem solving for the future


Problem solving for the future


AB Group specialises in innovation for the built environment. We have the specialist in-house capabilities to design complete fit out solutions that meet the needs of users and their local environment, now and long into the future.

The focus on climate change has put the onus on the construction industry to minimise the energy used in construction and the environmental impact created by new buildings. We are knowledgeable in the science involved in the drive towards a zero carbon future and are able to produce simple yet innovative building designs that are highly efficient, both in the construction and the operation. Our designs provide:

  • A highly efficient solution to brief
  • A comfortable space for users
  • A sustainable addition to the built environment
What we design

We design innovative and efficient solutions for; New build fit out, Redevelopment, Refurbishment and Repurposing

Ask us about
  • Zero carbon design
  • Building physics
  • Building services engineering
  • Acoustic engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Lighting design
Choose AB Group for innovative, efficient building design.